Things have been hectic since I've moved house, most notably my current rig's video card has a mechanical failure that make splaying 3d games impossible and seriously affects 2d games, it's some issue that causes gaps in directx functionality. Development on Sahaquiel's been held off and I'm busying myself with a stopgap project that isn't as irritating to work with with DirectDraw errors (mostly due to a lack of multiple backgrounds and alpha effects.
The details of this project won't be disclosed any time soon, but it is almost completely different in direction from Sahaquiel which, once again, I'll stress is only on hold.
My current plan is to make the Vista leap (it's either that or replace the card and buy a new computer a year or less from now, I have to upgrade sometime because my AGP ports don't support new cards.) The cheapest solution will be me getting a new motherboard, 3d card and OS, overall it shouldn't be too expensive (accept for RAM, which I've heard vista eats up.) I can only hope the OS is stable enough to not give me an early death by frustration when I upgrade. Only time will tell.
On top of these issues, I'm typing with a badly scraped up elbow because of an evening trist between my bike and some sedan. Unfortunately I was still on my bike when it happened, and it happened with me merging lanes and the car still up to some speed, luckily the result's only a few scrapes, saved again by my helmet, and saved from any more agony by my luck, whatever contributes to it. That might put a stall in things, but things will go on, accept biking on LA streets past sundown, that I'm avoiding.
As promised, here's a tidbit of my stopgap project, although the tidbit doesn't suggest it, there will be guns, there will be missiles, there will be action, enough said.
(Needless to say, even though this is raw, new stuff, it's still my intellectual property and Anuki, Earth, Sky and the Winds of Change is copyright Aaron Senese)
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